‘Mi Gna’ by Super Sako hits 50 million views on YouTube

By Asbarez | Tuesday, 20 June 2017

Super Sako

Super Sako

Going viral with more than 50 million Youtube hits, “Mi Gna” has become the most viewed Armenian music video to date. “Mi Gna” by rapper Super Sako and Hayko is also making international waves as it secures its #1 position on international music charts. Fans are singing and dancing to this upbeat, authentic Armenian tune all over the world—from the Unites States to Armenia to Lebanon to Turkey.

“Mi Gna”, which means “Don’t Go”, set records by many indicators—from attracting major record labels to search engine and download sites to Top 100 charts. “Respect and love to all my fans,” said rap artist Super Sako who’s site is flooded with words of praise and pride from fans all over the world. “In today’s global music market, the sign of success is measured on an international front. Today, we hit a record that takes Armenia, its people and its music to the next level.”

Home videos remixing “Mi Gna” have also taken center stage on sites like YouTube. Videos featuring young Armenian Americans dancing and singing “Mi Gna” poolside to popular Turkish singer and actor Ozcan Deniz dancing to “Mi Gna” during his make-up session.

“Music speaks to the masses. It’s my form of communication,” notes Super Sako. “It allows me to vocalize the spirit, culture and passion of my people. It brings me great delight to see and hear non-Armenians singing Armenian lyrics.”
