SYDNEY: On Tuesday 6 May 2014 at the Galstaun College Board/Parent Meeting, the Hamazkaine Regional Committee of Australia and the Board of Galstaun College announced to parents that Mr. Nishan Basmajian will be ending his tenure as Principal at the end of Term 2, where after Mr. Edward Dermirdjian will take his place from the beginning of Term 3.
Basmajian informed parents, during his heart-felt speech, of his decision to resign and return to the Middle East and his reasons for endorsing Demirdjian as Principal.
Basmajian said: "I believe in the knowledge, experience, tenacity and enthusiasm of the youth and am confident that Mr. Demirdjian, together with Deputy Principal, Mr. Guy Cassarchis, will provide a formidable leadership team for the College."
Basmajian, the Hamazkaine Regional Committee of Australia and the Board of Galstaun College look forward to the new leadership team taking our College to its next stage of growth and development.
Edward Demirdjian has served for many years on the College Executive and assumed various leadership positions in the College including Student Welfare and Discipline Coordinator. Over the 12 years of Demirdjian’s tenure, he has earned the respect of the students, parents and fellow teachers. His time and experiences at Galstaun college have allowed him to gain a solid understanding of the unique needs, strengths and challenges of Galstaun College.
In addition to his Bachelor of Arts and Diploma of Education from Macquarie University, Demirdjian is completing his Master of Leadership and Management in Education at the University of Newcastle.
More recently, Demirdjian undertook an intensive study tour of our sister Armenian schools in Toronto and Montreal, Canada, in particular with the Principals of those respected Colleges. His study tour involved identifying and discussing issues regarding curriculum and the teaching and learning of Armenian.
Demirdjian will continue to teach certain senior classes. Nishan Basmajian has also kindly agreed to the request of the Board to postpone his return to assist with the transition over the following months and will be working closely with both Principal Demirdjian and Deputy Principal Cassarchis, as well as the Board and staff in general, during this transition period.
Hamazkaine Regional Committee of Australia and the Board of Galstaun College understand the decision of Basmajian and convey their sincere gratitude and appreciation for all his tireless efforts and dedication to the school.