Vote to solidify democracy and justice in Armenia
On April 2nd, 2017, citizens of Armenia will vote for a new National Assembly (parliament). This presents a unique opportunity to re-route the trajectory of the Republic of Armenia towards a democracy the country deserves, and the security such democracy will deliver.
The Armenian Revolutionary Federation-Dashnaktsutyun (ARF) announced its participation in these elections under the motto "A New Beginning, A Just Armenia", which articulates the hopes and dreams of our nation.
The Armenian Revolutionary Federation - Australia (ARF-AU) Central Committee write as members of a community with real living experience in a democracy based on a parliamentary model of governance, where no single individual makes centralised decisions that impact the nation and its citizens' lives. Australia, with its parliament as a centrepiece, is considered one of the most democratic countries in the world.
The National Assembly elections will formally see the Republic of Armenia enter a parliamentary form of government, as a result of constitutional reforms recently adopted via referendum. The National Assembly that Armenia elects on April 2nd will be the highest authority of the land, moving away from a semi-Presidential model of governance.
Armenia had this opportunity 100 years ago, however the political circumstances of the day did not allow us to maintain our First Republic. Today, thanks in large part to 25 years of proactive insistence by the ARF, this opportunity has again presented itself. The ARF has always championed justice, wherever we have operated around the world, and a vote for our Party on April 2nd will be a vote to continue Armenia's path towards democracy.
A vote for the 127-year-old ARF will be a vote for the flag-bearer for a fair and just Armenia. A vote for the ARF will be a vote for a leadership group that had the foresight to recognise that substantial change was required to steer Armenia away from a structure that has bred corruption, social inequality, insecurity and below-par governance.
Our Party's program, history and election platform proves that Armenia will ultimately benefit from a parliament which grants a greater presence to the ARF - we strongly believe that the greater the political influence of the ARF is in Armenia's next National Assembly, the greater Armenia's prospects will be for prosperity, security and social justice.
Vote for the ARF on April 2nd, 2017 - vote for "A New Beginning, A Just Armenia."
Armenian Revolutionary Federation - Australia Central Committee24th March, 2017