Australia Live Interviews During Lebanon Week Shone Light On Suffering During and Since Beirut Blast [VIDEOS]

By | Tuesday, 01 September 2020

SYDNEY: Armenia Media Inc.'s Australia Live by Armenia TV has continued its "Lebanon Week" interview series with highly informative daily discussions with members of the Beirut Armenian community, which was heavily impacted by the explosion that rocked the city on August 4th 2020.

On Monday, Armenia Media's Nora Sevagian interviewed Archbishop Shahe Panossian, Primate of the Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church of Lebanon.

On Tuesday, Michael Kolokossian was on the interviewer's chair with a live cross to Beirut, where leaders of the local Armenian Youth Federation, Zavarian Students Association and Homenetmen Scouts talked through their experiences of the debilitating blast.

On Wednesday, Armenia Media's Titar Aprikian conducted an interview with Hagop Havatian, a member of the ARF Lebanon Central Committee and the Rebuild Beirut Crisis Committee.

On Friday, Nora Sevagian interviewed Chairperson of the Armenian Relief Society Central Executive Board, Dr Nyree Derderian.

Saturday featured an interview by Nanor Shokayan with Armenian-Australian couple, Varant Meguerditchian and Houry Mayissian, who were stuck in Beirut with their family at the time of filming (they are now safely back in Sydney).

On Sunday, Lebanon Week wrapped up on Australia Live by Armenia TV with Titar Aprikian in the interviewer's chair again. This time, she interviewed Nazeli Avakian from the Armenian Relief Society of Lebanon's Central Executive.

For those interested in donating to the rebuilding efforts of the Armenian community in Lebanon, click here.

