Galstaun College congratulates 2011 HSC students

By | Monday, 16 January 2012

SYDNEY: Galstaun College was delighted to announce that students who completed their Higher School Certificate (HSC) in 2011 were listed in the Honour Roll for achieving scores of 90% or over in 5 different subjects, including the competitive Extension 2 Mathematics (4 units).

Some subjects showed particularly strong performances from Galstaun College students, with Information Processes and Technology recording a College mean score that was 15.92% above the State mean, while Legal Studies and Mathematics, Extension 2 were both nearly 12% above the State mean.

Whilst Galstaun College is not informed officially about students’ ATAR  scores, the Board congratulated Antranig Shokayan for his ATAR of over 96.

A statement read: "Antranig was the College Vice Captain and he was an excellent role model in that he was involved in many extra-curricular activities as well as taking out the prize for Dux of the College."

"Galstaun College believes that students should receive a balanced and well-rounded education that encompasses citizenship, leadership skills, sport and performing arts, whilst gaining a strong knowledge and understanding of our Armenian heritage."

"Antranig’s fluency in Armenian language and his high participation rate in all school activities earned him respect and admiration from his teachers and his peers."

Most Galstaun College students have received ATAR scores which will enable them to attend the university of their choice, details of which will be revealed in coming weeks.

