Maxine McKew to meet with ANC Australia

By | Tuesday, 02 March 2010

SYDNEY: The Hon. Maxine McKew MP has agreed to meet with the Armenian National Committee of Australia (ANC Australia) to discuss community issues of concern.

ANC Australia had requested a meeting with the Parliamentary Secretary for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government to clarify constituent expectations in relation to issues of importance raised by the Armenian community late last year.

McKew's marginal seat of Bennelong is home to the largest Armenian-Australian constituency.

ANC Australia President Varant Meguerditchian said his delegation intends to discuss local Bennelong community issues, the Armenian Genocide, Galstaun College and other areas of interest to the 34 Armenian-Australian organisations the peak public affaird body directly represents.

"We thank Ms McKew for agreeing to discuss our concerns," Meguerditchian said.

"We anticipate that the meeting will lead to a resolution to those sensitive issues which have been raised by the community."

